Nestled in the renowned Riviera Ligure, not far from Genoa,wonderful panoramic apartment overlooking the sea with large garden and access to the cliffs. The wonder of...
In the Ligurian Riviera, elegant luxury apartment with large roof garden and wonderful sea view. In an enchanted corner of the Paradise Gulf, immersed in an evocative panorama...
In Genoa Albaro, in Via San Luca, in an exclusive residence, quiet and surrounded by greenery, we offer for sale an elegant 215m2 apartment with large livable balconies...
In the heart of Genoa, we offer for sale bright and spacious luxury apartment of 329 sqm. The property is located inside a building in the Coppedè style, an architectural...
In Genoa Sturla in an oasis of peace, where you are lulled by the sound of the waves of the sea, we offer for sale three apartments - relatively 150sqm, 200sqm, 350sqm -...
In the neighborhood of Genoa Albaro, elegant and refined property in private park subject to recent renovation of prestige.In a private and exclusive context, we offer for sale...
In a unique, evocative and marvelous setting, a wonder filled with poetry juts out in magical silence; caressing with a gaze that blurs between the transparent sea and the clear,...
Elegant apartment with fine finishes and large terrace in the heart of Genoa. In the most beautiful part of the city center, we offer for sale an elegant and quiet 180m2...
In the heart of Genoa, where the gaze beyond the majesty of the sea meets the wonderful transatlantic liners entering the port that seem to touch the city, we offer for sale a...
In Genoa Sturla apartment of 240sqmin period villa within private and protected context. The property is on several levels and includes: large entrance hall, triple...